Want To Apply For A Color Voter ID Before The Elections In 2024? Here Is A Detailed Instruction.

The Voter ID card, commonly referred to as the Electoral Photo ID card (EPIC), is a significant document that gives voters over the age of 18 the ability to exercise their right to vote. The Voter ID card, which had previously been recognizable as a laminated piece of paper with a photo, name, address, Voter ID number, and other crucial details, underwent a change in 2015 when the coloured version was introduced.

For both new and returning voters who ask for corrections to their card information, the Election Commission produces colored voter identification cards. Furthermore, owners of the old black and white version of the card have the choice to switch to the new colored version. They must also submit their pictures and the required documents in accordance with the guidelines listed on the websites of each state’s individual Election Commissions in order to register for the same, which costs an additional Rs 30 at the registration center in their city or district.

A color voter ID card has a hologram, a unique serial number, the holder’s complete name, address, photo, constituency, and date of birth. Here is a step-by-step instruction sheet to make the process of applying for a colored voter identification card easier:

Online Application Process

  • Step 1: Visit nvsp.in to access the National Voter’s Service Portal (NVSP) website.
  • Step 2: You can access the official website by clicking on the “Voter Portal” box on the homepage, which will take you to https://voterportal.eci.gov.in.
  • Step 3: By selecting “Create a new account” and adhering to the on-screen steps, you can sign up for the portal. Additionally, you have the option of signing up using a Google, Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin account.
  • Step 4: Fill out Form 6 completely by entering the necessary details and attaching your photo.
  • Step 5: Make a note of the submission information after submitting the form so that you may track the application status in the future.

Application Procedure Offline:

For those who want the offline method, adhere to these steps:

  • Step 1: Find a nearby Mee Seva or e-Seva office.
  • Step 2: Visit the office armed with all the required paperwork, including your photo ID, proof of address, and age verification (if you’re between the ages of 18 and 21).
  • Step 3: Fill out Form 6 completely and truthfully.
  • Step 4: Send the form and any necessary documents with it.
  • Step 5: A new colored voter identification card will be provided following verification and authentication by the Election Commission of India.

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